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Dermatest >> Information >> Volunteering for Skin Testing at Dermatest

Volunteering for Skin Testing at Dermatest

We are looking for people with clear, natural colour skin on the back area between the shoulder blades and lower back. The testing we perform on behalf of clients takes half to one day’s work and then a short (around 20 minutes) return the next day so we can measure the skin product test results. We pay you in cash on this return visit.

You can volunteer only once, or be involved in many product test studies – up to you. There is normally 8 weeks between each test.

We are at 22 King St Rockdale NSW, about 5 min walk from the train. Please pop in for a short interview between 10:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m. Monday to Thursday and we can book you in if you are suitable and wish to volunteer.

We are required to screen you through an interview and Informed Consent process. Please check this list first – we have to exclude anyone who…

… is pregnant or breast feeding.

… has been diagnosed with cancer in the last 5 years.

… is tanned on their back

… has a lot of freckles or moles on their back

For more information, you can call Nancy or Helen on 02 9556 3835 or email